The Team
The Management Team writes and follows policies to make sure we keep within the law and to keep all our volunteers and Learners safe. We organise the training and the support for new and existing Coaches and make sure they have all the resources they need to support their Learners. We are responsible for raising all the money needed to keep our group going. If you would like to support our work, please get in touch to find out how.
The Management Team also support the Coach Coordinator who meets the Learners for the first time and pairs them with a suitable reading Coach.
Trainer and Coach Coordinator
Kris Ventris Field has over 35 years’ experience working in the Adult Literacy sector and is responsible for training the reading Coaches before they start working with a Learner, as well as offering training through coach meetings, both in-person and remotely. She advises on methods of delivery; on resources, and on activities to support the reading pairs.
She is also the key contact for Learners and Coaches. She contacts all prospective new Learners when they are referred, whether by an organisation, by a friend or family member, or as a self-referral. She offers them a confidential interview and an informal assessment. She then matches the Learner with a suitable, trained reading Coach, sets them up in a suitable venue with a starter pack of resources, and provides on-going support.
Kris reports back to the Management Team on a regular basis so that they stay in touch with how things are going and can deal with any problems or concerns. She writes and sends out a regular newsletter to Coaches and is available by telephone or email.
Team Leader and Lead Referral Networker
Malcom Vine took on the role of Team Leader in May 2022. He leads the team meetings and oversees the group’s operations. Malcom also leads a small team of referral networkers, who work throughout the Forest spreading the word about FRED Plus.
People who experience difficulty with reading and writing are often socially isolated and embarrassed about seeking help and it can be a challenge reaching potential learners. As well as distributing leaflets and posters to as many organisations and businesses as possible, the team also attends events, meetings and places where contact with potential Learners can be made.
Malcom also represents FRED plus at meetings with local employers, local government, other education providers and non-statutory organisations.
Legal Secretary
Jennifer Lewis has a background in law, which ensures she is well-placed to offer guidance on our policies, insurance and our Constitution.
Her expertise in teaching adults whose first language is other than English, is helpful when Learners are referred to FRED Plus should their spoken English require some improvement before they start with a reading Coach.
Treasurer & Fundraising Lead
Chris Warren is out Treasurer and Lead Fundraiser. Currently he has the additional role of overseeing Safeguarding and Data Protection.
Publicity Team
We use radio, newspaper and social media to communicate information about FRED plus, as well as using a range of paper-based materials for displays, for awareness raising and for passing to potential referrers, volunteers and Learners. As such we need a broad skill set to optimise our approach.
Team Vacancies
We have several areas where the Team would welcome additional help
- IT Support and lead on Social Media
- Safeguarding Champion and Data Protection Champion
- Coach Coordinator Support
If you are interested, and especially if you have experience in any of these areas, we would love to hear from you. Please email us on and tell us where your interest might be. Kris will then send you the relevant role description(s) and an application form, before arranging an interview and taking up references.