Remote Support
While our arrangements for coaching continue to be primarily 1 to 1 meetings in person, since 2021, we have been increasing the options for remote support. Remote support used to be simply keeping in touch by phone, if the Coach or Learner is unwell or injured, but now may be extended to include the use of personal recorders for reading practice, use of online learning resources, meeting on Zoom and the loan of a FRED laptop.
Phone coaching
Supplementary phone coaching might be listening to reading practice, going through reading exercises on the phone (Coach and Learner each have a Turning Pages manual), dictation, discussing writing ideas or offering tips on how to remember spelling. Additional spelling lists etc can be shared visually using messenger or WhatsApp.
Using recordings

Simple recording devices or smart phones can be used to record short reading texts, so a Learner can practise reading or writing at home, or record their own reading for their Coach to evaluate. Smart phones can also give visual help in a range of ways.
Online coaching

Since 2021 when Covid 19 drove many services online only, there has been a big increase in resources for online coaching and FRED can now offer 1 to 1 zoom coaching to all Learners. For Learners without any smart devices(phone, laptop) we have a laptop loan scheme which will enable learners to access not just reading support, using screen sharing, but in the process, learn basic digital skills that will enable them to use other online services and reading resources.