
Sabrina was 35 years old and a mother of four when she first started with FRED. She was taking her children to school one day when she got talking to a friend who mentioned FRED.
At first Sabrina thought Fred was a man until the friend passed on a leaflet to her the following day with details of the Forest Read Easy Deal. It then took her 3 weeks to summon up the courage to contact someone.
At school Sabrina had enjoyed music and drama but had always struggled with reading. When her children asked her to read to them the answer was always, “No!”
Since joining FRED her reading has improved greatly and she now enjoys reading the weekly “Inside Soap” magazine whereas previously she had only been able to look at the pictures to get a gist of what was happening. She is also more confident with texting as her spelling has improved which often got her into trouble before!
Sabrina was also one of the first readers to pioneer the new audio books and still enjoys downloading her own audio books at home. She found it helpful to listen to the words being read whilst following the text in the accompanying book.
Sabrina has recently finished the “Yes we can read” book and was really thrilled to receive her certificate which now takes pride of place on her bedroom wall and which she proudly shows everyone. It’s something good that she has accomplished.
With the help of her coach Katrina she has been working on a manuscript that her grandmother had written 50 years ago and this has recently been published under the title: . The White Giant.